We have been very busy and I have a lot to tell you. Last week, Mom got home from the place where important people have very big heads on rocks called South Dakota. Mom had a good time there and I was worried that she might stay there for a long time. She put on her white shoes with laces and walked around big mountains and saw nice things and did something call hike.
When she got home on Saturday after we already had our lunch treats, she was all worked about something people are supposed to rub on called deodorant. I was very confused about why Mom would ride on big airplanes all day and get worked up about that. But she told us. She said she was very mad about deodorant and she was going to get a new job telling people how to use deodorant because people did not know. She said she had to go to the airport very early to get home, before the sun came up. A bunch of people had to be at the airport early too. Mom had to sit by a man that must have had to get up too early to take a bath and he forgot his deodorant too. I was not sure why Mom would be mad about that but then she said he smelled very very bad and it made her sick to have to breath. Poor Mom! She likes to sleep on airplanes especially the very early ones but the man smelled so bad she could not. I know how that is because when I poo in the big man's chair and it smells bad, I can't sleep in the living room either.
Mom was very happy to get on another plane with other people, not the man who didn't have time to get his deodorant. But then she was not happy because on the next plane, the man sitting beside her had on too much deodorant and smelled too bad. She was very mad about the man with too much deodorant on, she thought he rubbed it up and down his arms and maybe he stole the deodorant from the man who didn't have any and now everybody smells too bad for Mom.
She was fussing and yelling about deodorant and before she could stop, she got worked up because her suitcase broke and she had to drag it around. Then she was worked up because she did not eat lunch and she was hungry. I was getting tired of her being worked up because I was trying to sleep and she was getting on my nerves. Then the big man, because he is NOT smart, starts telling Mom our TV's do not work anymore. I got up to bite him because Mom was already worked up about a bunch of stuff and here he goes telling her something else to make her talk a lot and say loud words. Shut up big man! Leave her alone!
Well, Mom had to call some people that kept her on the phone for a long time and she was very mean to the people on the phone because she was worked up about deodorant. I felt bad for the people on the phone because Mom was being loud to them. The big man got very embarassed because Mom was mean on the phone and went outside. I followed him outside and told him he was being quiet a little too late and next time Mom gets worked up about deodorant, he should just be very quiet and leave her alone. We had to put up with a worked up Mom the rest of the day and it was not fun.

Last week was busy, Mom had a lot of work to do in her office and I helped her a lot. Mom is wearing me out with work but then I remember that Mom has to work to make money to buy cat treats so I just do what I can.
She also had to do a lot of work for the tax man. I don't know him, but Mom does not like him because she had to get a bunch of papers and stuff for him. Mom and the big man did a lot of work for the tax man last week and I hope they get lots of money for their work so we can maybe get some new cat toys!

I was very upset to hear from my internet cat friend Ella who lives with my friend Frankie in the place with no grass and trees with no leaves and prickly things on them called Arizona. Ella had a sore leg like me and she went to a cat hospital to get it fixed like I did. Look what happened to my friend Ella! It is not good! Poor, poor Ella! Somebody please help her. She cannot lick her sore leg and everybody knows that cats have to lick sores. She can't take a bath and clean herself and everybody knows cats like to take baths and clean themselves! If she can't get clean, Mom will get all worked up and give her deodorant lessons and that is not cool! Ella wants to be cool like me, because I am a cool cat!