Throne Monkey

Monday, March 26, 2007

We have had a very good weekend at our house. It was very warm outside and things are getting very pretty in our yard.

On Friday, Mom went to Walmart and bought cat treats. She got stuff for the big man to cook on the grill too. We played outside some too. I like it when it gets warm at our house because birds come around and well, I like birds. A lot. They taste very good and are fun to catch. Sometimes I catch extra birds for Mom because she is good and gets me cat treats.

We have a bunch of stuff in our yard we like to sit and relax on. Mom has our rope bed called a hammock hiding in the shed, but we have a seat that goes back and forth called a swing. Me and Mom sit on the swing a lot when it is nice outside and we talk about stuff. I do not like it when the people babies are here and take my place in the swing! That is my place in the swing with Mom! The people babies need to get their own swing with their own moms!

On Saturday, me, Mom and the big man had coffee on our porch with the screen around it so the big grey cat can't get it. We liked sitting outside talking about stuff. The big man had to go work that day and me and Mom said we would do work in the yard. We did! We raked up leaves in our flower beds and I helped Mom by jumping in the leaves and attacking the rake. Then we raked up sticks in our yard and I helped Mom by sitting on the porch and watching out for stuff. Then I got tired and took a nap, but Mom kept working.

She pulled up weeds in her big flower beds in the back. She made things look very pretty. She is going plant more pretty flowers in the flower beds so I can have a nice pretty place to scratch around and poo. Everybody likes a nice place to poo.

Mom just kept working Saturday. I was getting more tired just watching her. Even after she worked all day, she still cooked a very nice dinner for me and the big man. She even made gravy and I love gravy. Purr. Purr. We sat out on our screen porch for a long time after dinner.

On Sunday, Mom and the big man went to the place where people act nice to each other for a few minutes called church. When they came home, they did more work outside! They make me very tired watching all that work! Then, just when I thought they would come in and take a nap with me, they put on white shoes with laces and ran away! I told Mom she needed to rest and I tried to talk her into just sitting in the swing with me and resting. She looked very tired from all her work. But did she listen? No, she ran away with the big man and left me in the swing.

I didn't care! I just took another nap. Napping in the swing on a nice day is cool and I am a cool cat!

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Me and Mom have enjoyed the nice warm weather outside. We have not enjoyed the cold weather very much and we are glad she can wear shorts and put on white shoes with laces and run away a lot.

Mom opens the windows in our house and I can lay in my chair and nap all day with a nice breeze blowing on me. I like that. Purr. Purr.

The big man likes the warm weather too. It makes him work outside. He worked very hard one day in our garage and moved a bunch of stuff around and swept all the leaves out of it. I didn't like that because when it is really cold outside and I don't want to go all the way out to Mom's flower beds, I sometimes poo in those leaves in the garage. But now they are gone. Maybe I'll just have to poo somewhere else in the garage instead.

Mom says that we might have people babies at our house again soon. I am not happy about that, especially since they were so bad the last time they were here. Why, oh why can't those people babies stay home with their own Mom's? At least this time Mom told me they will come. Most of the time I don't know it until they are running in the door screaming. Knowing that they are coming, I called my internet cat friends that live far away where it is very cold and sometimes people talk different called Canada and asked them stuff.

My internet cat friends, Ginger and Frasier, have a Mom and a people baby that eats her food off the floor. Ginger and Frasier think this is very bad because they are finicky cats and would not eat stuff off the floor. I asked them how they handled the people baby in their house.

Ginger is something called a buddhist. She allows people babies to be who they are doesn't interfere with them. She allows them to pull her hair and beat her with a mini flashlight and just thinks what will be will be. Ginger's Mom says she is a purebred. I don't know what that means. She also says Ginger is dumb as a box of rocks and I know what that means so I think Ginger's mom is very mean to Ginger.

Frasier says he addresses people babies with a look of disdain followed by indignation. I don't know what those are, but if I can get on the computer tonight, I will try to find them on line and order them. Frasier sleeps under the people baby bed because he says you have to keep your friends close and your enemies closer.

Frasier and Ginger just do the best they can to stay away from their people baby and just hope she doesn't learn to walk too soon.

I'm glad I have internet cat friends I can call on when I have problems. Everybody needs a few friends to talk to when they need help. Having friends is cool and I am a cool cat.

Monday, March 19, 2007

We have been very busy and I have a lot to tell you. Last week, Mom got home from the place where important people have very big heads on rocks called South Dakota. Mom had a good time there and I was worried that she might stay there for a long time. She put on her white shoes with laces and walked around big mountains and saw nice things and did something call hike.

When she got home on Saturday after we already had our lunch treats, she was all worked about something people are supposed to rub on called deodorant. I was very confused about why Mom would ride on big airplanes all day and get worked up about that. But she told us. She said she was very mad about deodorant and she was going to get a new job telling people how to use deodorant because people did not know. She said she had to go to the airport very early to get home, before the sun came up. A bunch of people had to be at the airport early too. Mom had to sit by a man that must have had to get up too early to take a bath and he forgot his deodorant too. I was not sure why Mom would be mad about that but then she said he smelled very very bad and it made her sick to have to breath. Poor Mom! She likes to sleep on airplanes especially the very early ones but the man smelled so bad she could not. I know how that is because when I poo in the big man's chair and it smells bad, I can't sleep in the living room either.

Mom was very happy to get on another plane with other people, not the man who didn't have time to get his deodorant. But then she was not happy because on the next plane, the man sitting beside her had on too much deodorant and smelled too bad. She was very mad about the man with too much deodorant on, she thought he rubbed it up and down his arms and maybe he stole the deodorant from the man who didn't have any and now everybody smells too bad for Mom.

She was fussing and yelling about deodorant and before she could stop, she got worked up because her suitcase broke and she had to drag it around. Then she was worked up because she did not eat lunch and she was hungry. I was getting tired of her being worked up because I was trying to sleep and she was getting on my nerves. Then the big man, because he is NOT smart, starts telling Mom our TV's do not work anymore. I got up to bite him because Mom was already worked up about a bunch of stuff and here he goes telling her something else to make her talk a lot and say loud words. Shut up big man! Leave her alone!

Well, Mom had to call some people that kept her on the phone for a long time and she was very mean to the people on the phone because she was worked up about deodorant. I felt bad for the people on the phone because Mom was being loud to them. The big man got very embarassed because Mom was mean on the phone and went outside. I followed him outside and told him he was being quiet a little too late and next time Mom gets worked up about deodorant, he should just be very quiet and leave her alone. We had to put up with a worked up Mom the rest of the day and it was not fun.
Last week was busy, Mom had a lot of work to do in her office and I helped her a lot. Mom is wearing me out with work but then I remember that Mom has to work to make money to buy cat treats so I just do what I can.

She also had to do a lot of work for the tax man. I don't know him, but Mom does not like him because she had to get a bunch of papers and stuff for him. Mom and the big man did a lot of work for the tax man last week and I hope they get lots of money for their work so we can maybe get some new cat toys!

I was very upset to hear from my internet cat friend Ella who lives with my friend Frankie in the place with no grass and trees with no leaves and prickly things on them called Arizona. Ella had a sore leg like me and she went to a cat hospital to get it fixed like I did. Look what happened to my friend Ella! It is not good! Poor, poor Ella! Somebody please help her. She cannot lick her sore leg and everybody knows that cats have to lick sores. She can't take a bath and clean herself and everybody knows cats like to take baths and clean themselves! If she can't get clean, Mom will get all worked up and give her deodorant lessons and that is not cool! Ella wants to be cool like me, because I am a cool cat!

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Yesterday was a very bad day. It didn't start out bad. I got an email from my friend Sammie Cat. She read my blog about Black Hair Girl putting things on me when I was trying to nap. Sammie sent me this picture of her napping with animals all around her. Her people baby with very pretty blond hair does this to her to. Her people baby thinks she needs friends when she sleeps.

It has been very warm where we live and the sun is shining too. I like to play outside when it is nice especially in the mornings because I can chase a bunch of birds. I was out yesterday, just stalking birds and having fun when I heard them. The stupid dogs that live in the yard behind us got out of their fence and ran over to chase me. I ran up the first tree I saw, which is how I get away from the stupid dogs and I picked the wrong tree. I had to go very very high up the tree before I got to a limb to sit on. I could see the top of Mr. and Mrs. Neighbors house because it was very high. The stupid dogs were down on the ground barking and running and acting stupid like are because they are dogs. Mrs. Neighbor saw me way high in her tree and she was very worried. She chased the stupid dogs away and called Mom to come see how far high I was. Mom was not happy.

She wanted to know how I was going to get down from the very high limb. Mrs. Neighbor said I was 40 feet up. I got news for her, it took more than 40 feet steps to get that high. Mom said someone would have to get a very tall ladder and get me down. I was not worried because I climb trees all the time. I waited until I knew the stupid dogs were gone and Mom was there to run them off if they came back and I just slid right down the tree. Mom and Mrs. Neighbor could not believe I got out of the tree by myself. What's wrong with them? They know I am a smart cat!

My friend Lucy in the place were two cities look alike called Minnesota does not have to run up trees to get away from stupid dogs at her house. Her dogs are so stupid she just hides right in the middle of them and has no problems at all.

I got out of the tree and Mom was glad I was down. We went in the house and she went up to her new office to work. She had a bunch of stuff to do for a very important meeting tomorrow in a place where important peoples heads are real big on rocks called South Dakota. I know I should have helped her in her office, but I was very tired from being chased up a very high tree by the stupid dogs. Mom worked for a very long time. The big man came home late and helped her a little bit. Its good that he did because he needs to do something.

After we got all Mom's work done and she packed up her suitcase, me Mom and the big man took a break and relaxed for a few minutes. I really like to relax, especially after a long day, because it's cool and I am a cool cat.

Monday, March 05, 2007

Oh! I have had such a very very hard weekend. I had to take naps all day for two day and nights because it has been so bad.

It started out OK. Me and Mom were home working on the day of Friday. She went to Walmart to get me some cat treats and she got other stuff too. She had a lot of stuff and I wondered why she had to get so much stuff from Walmart. Was the big man real hungry or what?

She was talking on the phone to people and I heard her say we had big plans for Saturday. I was very excited because I like big plans! Big plans can be fun for a cat! The big man got up and went to work Saturday. Mom got up and was cleaning up some messes me and the big man forgot to clean up when she was on her trip. Then she left. When she came back, I heard a bunch of noise and oh no! She had people babies! Will somebody please tell those people babies to stay at their own houses!

It was Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy. Black Hair Boy can walk now. I knew I was in trouble. I tried to take the advice of my internet cat friends but I didn't have much luck. I tried to just sleep in my bed in my chair and ignore the people babies. But Black Hair Girl got things and put them on me! How is a cat supposed to sleep with things on them? She would not stop talking to me and she was interupting my naps. Sometimes I would go to the door to escape but nobody would let me out!

Black Hair Boy gets into everything. Mom has to chase him around and make him stop bothering our stuff. He bothered all our nice pictures on the shelf, he got our little things we set our club soda on, he got in our closet where the people food is and he would not leave my cat bowl alone. I wanted him to go home.

Mom was very busy chasing people babies but she cooked a bunch of food anyway. Every time Mom cooks a bunch of food, people come over to eat it. We had a bunch of people at our house. It was getting after supper and the later it got, the more the people babies whined and cried and acted mean. The people were talking and laughing and the people babies were crying. Mom tried to make the people babies feel better and keep them from chasing me so she put them in the big bathtub. They were splashing water and getting everything wet. Then Black Hair Girl pooed in the big bathtub! When I poo in the house, the big man throws me in the garage. Did anybody throw Black Hair Girl in the garage?? NNNOOO.... That is not fair!

The people babies put on their sleeping clothes but they did not go to sleep. They cried and whined and chased me a lot. I snuck outside one time and Black Hair Girl stood at the door and screamed very loud for me. The big man picked me up and threw me back in the house. I do not like the big man and the next time I have to poo, I'm doing it in his chair.

I could not get away from the people babies. I got under the bed and they crawled under it. I jumped on things they could not reach and they stood there and cried for me and tried to reach me. But I did find a place to get away from the people babies and I will tell all you internet cat friends where - in their own people baby bed. Yes. They could not get me and they were very mad. But I did not care if the people babies were mad and crying. I was very tired of being chased and hit and getting my tail pulled. So I stayed in the people baby bed. Because I am a cool cat.