Those people babies have done it this time! Yes, they have. They are in trouble and it is all their fault. I've been telling Mom to leave those people babies at their own houses with their own Moms but did she listen? No, and now there is trouble.
I will tell you what happened.
Mom got home on Friday night and she had Black Hair Boy and Black Hair Girl. They were all worked up and laughing and playing and bothering me. I was trying to go outside but no one would open the door for me. Then Red Head Boy came. His people dad brought him over. All the people babies had a bunch of stuff with them, suitcases and bags of diapers. I knew I was not going to have fun because they were going to stay for a while.
Mom and the big man always buy stuff for the people babies and I am tired of it. I never get anything new but the people babies get stuff all the time. Mom bought the people babies a new wagon that buckles on to the big man's bicycle so all the people babies can ride away on bicycle with Mom and the big man. That is not fair! I never get to ride on the bicycles! Mom got a new helmet for Black Hair Boy because he did not have one of his very own. Well, I don't have one of my very own either, but did she offer to buy me a new helmet? No, and that is not fair.
Mom and the big man rode the people babies to the park and they played with the ducks. Ducks are birds. I like birds, why can't I go to the park too?
When they got back from the park, Mom made the people babies chicken for lunch and then everybody took a nap. While the people babies were sleeping, the big man got my big water bowl out of the shed and filled it up with water. I was so happy that I would have my new water bowl outside!
But then the people babies woke up and guess what they did? They got in my big water bowl! I do not want people babies in my water bowl! That is my water bowl! People babies poo in water bowls!
They played in my water bowl for a long time and got on my nerves. Mom and the big man were smiling and laughing at the people babies.
Black Hair Boy runs away all the time and Mom had to chase him. I told Mom she should just let him go, she had three and if one ran away she would still have two and that was still too many.
The last thing Mom and the big man did for the people babies made me very mad. They bought the people babies a people baby tent house! I am so mad! I want to go camping too! I don't have a tent house and nobody will buy me one!
See, Black Hair Boy does not even LIKE the tent house! I want a tent house for cats. I put up with those people babies all day on the day that was Saturday. When they were in the house, I had to run upstairs and hide so they would stop bothering me. Mom does not let people babies on the stairs so I can get away from them up there.
Well. I knew Mom and the big man would someday see that people babies are bad. And finally they did. The people babies made Mom and the big man sick! Yes they did! Mom and the big man are sick and it is all because of those people babies! I told you!
The big man got sick in the night on the day that was Saturday. He was walking funny and hollering and all worked up and could not go to sleep. Mom had to call the people kids on the day that was Sunday to come get all the people babies because she had to take the big man to the place where doctors cost a lot of money called the hospital. I think the people babies must have put rocks in the big man's dinner because the place where doctors cost a lot of money called the hospital told the big man he had little rocks in his belly called kidney stones. The people babies did it! They made the big man sick with rocks in his belly called kidney stones.
And Mom? Her mouth hurts from the doctor that only works on your mouth called a dentist. It was hurting more and more and she was very sick about it and couldn't eat and fussed at everybody. She went back to the doctor that only works on your mouth and she has a very bad toothache called a dry socket. The people babies gave it to her. Those people babies are very bad.
Mom and the big man both have to eat little rocks called medicine that makes them smile and go to sleep. I have been a good cat because I have been taking care of them. I told Mom that we would not keep the people babies at our house any more because they gave the big man little rocks in his belly called kidney stones and gave her a very bad toothache called a dry socket. That is not cool and we cannot have that. We have a cool house and I am a cool cat.