I am tired. I am tired of Mom leaving me home all day by myself. She knows how I love to sleep most of the day on her bed. After all the prowling I do at night, I need my sleep.
The big man let me in yesterday morning early. I had coffee with Mom and the big man. He went to work and Mom got in the shower. I got in the bed to settle in for my long nap. It was raining outside and I had plans to sleep all day.
I don't know for how long, but Mom was in the bathroom putting paint on her face and doing stuff to her hair with the loud gun that blows very hot air. She was hurrying around the house and I had to ask her 3 times to be a little more quiet as a cat was trying to nap. Well. On her last trip rushing through the house, she picked me up and took me straight outside! In the rain! Well, in the garage, but it was raining outside.
She was gone ALL day. Sometime after she left, the pet door wouldn't open and I couldn't get back in the garage. I was hungry and wet. And where was Mom? In a place she drove to in her car where people call her "dah'lin" called Mississippi. When she left that place she went to the people kids' house where that mean Black Hair Girl lives. She and Black Hair Girl played for a long time. They had supper together and they went to a place where they got to get on a big slide.
Black Hair Girl likes Mom a lot. Every time Mom is over there, Black Hair Girl follows her and cries if Mom leaves the room. You thought I was bad following Mom to the bathroom? HA! At least I don't try to sit in her lap while she is sitting on the big water bowl!
Mom still has a hurt leg. She has not put on her shoes with the white laces to run away in a long time. She knows better than to carry Black Hair Girl around all the time, it just makes her hurt leg hurt more. But does Mom listen?? Oh, no! She says she doesn't care if her leg hurts, she's going to carry Black Hair Girl around any way. Mom is just not right when it comes to Black Hair Girl.
They got home last night when the bird came out of the clock 12 times. They had the people kid,Will, with them. I like Will almost as much as I like Justin. Will plays with me and pets me. I have to scratch Will once in a while but he doesn't get too mad about it. I came running in when they got home. I had been locked out of the garage and away from my food all day and it was still raining outside.
Mom must have felt bad because she gave me cat treats to make up for it. I refused to go outside last night and she let me sleep all night in the house again. I didn't even go outside this morning when I had the chance. I was tired and just wanted to sleep late. I finally got up after lunch. I played with Mom and Will a little bit and finally went outside to take care of my business. Yeah, I had business to take care of. I'm a cool cat.