Throne Monkey

Saturday, July 29, 2006

I am tired. I am tired of Mom leaving me home all day by myself. She knows how I love to sleep most of the day on her bed. After all the prowling I do at night, I need my sleep.

The big man let me in yesterday morning early. I had coffee with Mom and the big man. He went to work and Mom got in the shower. I got in the bed to settle in for my long nap. It was raining outside and I had plans to sleep all day.

I don't know for how long, but Mom was in the bathroom putting paint on her face and doing stuff to her hair with the loud gun that blows very hot air. She was hurrying around the house and I had to ask her 3 times to be a little more quiet as a cat was trying to nap. Well. On her last trip rushing through the house, she picked me up and took me straight outside! In the rain! Well, in the garage, but it was raining outside.

She was gone ALL day. Sometime after she left, the pet door wouldn't open and I couldn't get back in the garage. I was hungry and wet. And where was Mom? In a place she drove to in her car where people call her "dah'lin" called Mississippi. When she left that place she went to the people kids' house where that mean Black Hair Girl lives. She and Black Hair Girl played for a long time. They had supper together and they went to a place where they got to get on a big slide.

Black Hair Girl likes Mom a lot. Every time Mom is over there, Black Hair Girl follows her and cries if Mom leaves the room. You thought I was bad following Mom to the bathroom? HA! At least I don't try to sit in her lap while she is sitting on the big water bowl!

Mom still has a hurt leg. She has not put on her shoes with the white laces to run away in a long time. She knows better than to carry Black Hair Girl around all the time, it just makes her hurt leg hurt more. But does Mom listen?? Oh, no! She says she doesn't care if her leg hurts, she's going to carry Black Hair Girl around any way. Mom is just not right when it comes to Black Hair Girl.

They got home last night when the bird came out of the clock 12 times. They had the people kid,Will, with them. I like Will almost as much as I like Justin. Will plays with me and pets me. I have to scratch Will once in a while but he doesn't get too mad about it. I came running in when they got home. I had been locked out of the garage and away from my food all day and it was still raining outside.

Mom must have felt bad because she gave me cat treats to make up for it. I refused to go outside last night and she let me sleep all night in the house again. I didn't even go outside this morning when I had the chance. I was tired and just wanted to sleep late. I finally got up after lunch. I played with Mom and Will a little bit and finally went outside to take care of my business. Yeah, I had business to take care of. I'm a cool cat.

Thursday, July 27, 2006

Mom must feel bad about leaving me so much. She brought me a souvenir from the place with yellow cars called New York. I was hoping for cat treats.

She went to Walmart last night to get people food. I reminded her that we were almost out of cat treats and being a good Mom, she brought back lots of cat treats for me.

We got something new today. Mom has a new desk in her office. It is very big and very nice. She says now she can really feel important because she has a big desk. I like it OK. It has lots of room for me to get under it. I hope she puts a blanket under there for me to sleep on while she's working.

I was listening to Mom talking on the phone last night about her long trip far away to Hawaii. When she was napping by the pool, little birds came and landed on her legs. You know, if she had taken me on that trip, I could taken care of those birds. I love birds. Mom goes to a place with birds and leaves me at home! Then, get this - she took pictures of fish - underwater. Do you know how much I love fish? She could have given me the fish to take care of while she was swimming. I would have been happy to sit there on the side with the fish and not bother anybody.

She also said they went hiking a lot. OK, I know it's not cool for cats to be on a leash. But I would've done it. We would have been far away and none of my friends or that punk Jesse from down the street would have seen me. I would have followed right along behind Mom and the big man. I could have gone hiking to volcanoes and maybe I could have ate one. What is a volcano anyway?

I'm tired right now. I chased the people that brought Mom's new desk and attacked the cords to their tools and I'm worn out. I think I'll go take a nap so I can prowl later tonight. When the night is hot cool cats are always on the prowl and I am one cool cat.

Wednesday, July 26, 2006

I have so many things to tell you that I don't know where to start.

Mom and the big man were very tired when they got back from the long trip. They had all the suitcases packed full of dirty clothes. Mom had to wash a lot of clothes! All their underwear was dirty. I stayed in the house for a long time playing with them.

Mom got up the next morning all puffy eyed again. She was dragging around like that punk Jesse does when I whoop him. She got the red suitcase out. I was shocked! She just got home for a long time far away and she was packing to go away again.

I think my Mom is pretty smart. She has something she calls a very good job and she has good people kids. She has the big man, too, but I'm not sure how much that has to do with being smart. Well, I'm just a cat, you know I'm cool and I'm OK when it comes to smart. Being OK on smart, I know that there are dogs that live in the house behind us. I know that when I go to their yard, they bark and chase me and I have to run fast. Whenever I go over there, I know there is trouble, so being OK on smart, I just don't go there.

Mom goes to a place called Atlanta on airplanes. Every time she goes there, there is trouble. OK, when I know there is trouble, I stay away. Mom keeps going back and she keeps getting into trouble.

She went to Atlanta so that she could go somewhere else where there are tall buildings and lots of yellow cars called New York. She called the big man when she got there and she was very tired. The big man was very tired too. They said they were not in the right time zone. I don't know what a time zone is so I asked the people kids next door but they don't understand Meowlish. Mom did some things in New York with some other people and then went back to Atlanta so she could come home.

I'm trying to figure out what kind of place Atlanta is. Maybe it is a gate you have to go through to get to other places. Maybe it is were all the planes are that take you other places. I know for sure it is trouble.

I was in the house with the big man and it was way past bedtime. Mom called and she was all loud. She said that she was on a plane that goes to Atlanta and it was going very late and she would have to run very fast to go get on another plane to come home. She was mad because she said she might not be able to run fast enough and she would miss the plane home. The big man told her to run fast and try hard to get there. I offered to call Atlanta to tell them to wait on poor Mom but the big man would not give me the phone. Sometimes I don't like him at all.

The big man and me were restless waiting to hear from Mom again. The phone rang and Mom was on the other end. She was out of breath and could only talk a minute. She said she ran really, really fast and accidentally knocked down some old people, but she made it to the plane to come home.

The big man let me sleep in the house so I could see Mom when she got here. When I heard her unlock the door, I looked at the clock and it said 1 o'clock in the morning. Mom got in bed and I curled up beside her. She was too tired to put me out so I got to sleep in the house the whole night.

Today I've been hanging out with Mom most of the day. We've worked up in her office and I've napped on her bed while she kept working in the office. It got really hot up in the office today and she had to call people who fix air conditioners. She moved her office stuff to the kitchen and I laid on her feet under the table. Until she stepped on me, then I went back to nap on the bed. A cool cat needs his sleep. So I took 2 naps today because I am a double cool cat.

Monday, July 24, 2006

I bet you thought I was under the magnolia tree in the back, didn't you?

Well, I have been a very very VERY mad cat! I knew something was up a long time ago because Mom and the big man got ALL the suitcases out of the closet. Mom got ALL of her underwear out of the drawer and put them in the suitcases. They packed almost ALL of their clothes and they left. It was a long time ago.

The people kids next door came over every day and fed me in the garage. They played with me a lot too. They watered Mom's flowers and picked her tomatoes. They called me over to their porch and played with me some more. They talked to me. I had to put it all together but I finally figured it out: Mom and the big man went on a very long trip to a place very far away called Hawaii.

I heard they went hiking in volcanoes, snorkeled at a reef, and climbed mountains. They did lots of cool stuff and what did I do? Nothing. I stayed home and worried about them. I was so mad that they didn't tell me they were going! I was so mad that I pooed in the garage and on Mom's car. That'll teach 'em.

They're back now. I was very happy when I heard Mom calling me last night. I finally got to go in the house again. They are both very tired and walk around all puffy eyed. I think they need some sleep.

I'm being nice to them right now because they are home, but I'm going to have to be mean to them soon to teach them a lesson about leaving me here alone. Don't worry, I'll be discreet about it because you know I'm a cool cat.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

There has been a lot going on and I have been busy sleeping. When its hot outside, a cat needs his sleep.

Mom went out of town on Sunday to go to a meeting where the people call her boss. The meeting was in the mountains. I heard the big man talking to Mom on the phone Sunday night. Mom was mad because it is summer time but when she got to the mountains, it was very cold and she forgot her coat. She had to buy one at the airport and she said it has rhinestones on it. Mom is not a rhinestone kind of Mom, so when she brings it home, I'll surprise her by biting the rhinestones off for her.

Me and the big man had some trouble while she was gone. He was putting the tent houses up and he wouldn't let me in the storage room! There might be mice in there, I needed to check it out but he kept shoo-ing me away with his big foot and his cut leg with little threads in it. I tried to tell him I was checking for mice, but he wouldn't listen so I just bit him. He yelled at me and locked me in the house! He's not nice when Mom is out of town.

She was supposed to be home in time for supper Tuesday night and me and the big man were going to surprise her with her favorite food: tomato soup. Well, while we were straightening up our messes Mom called. She was very sad because they bumped her off the plane. I was really worried because those planes fly really high and she got bumped off I'm sure the fall would hurt really bad. I don't think cats even survive getting bumped off those airplanes. But the big man explained she got bumped off before she got on the plane, so she didn't have to fall at all. Whew.

I was listening to the conversation and Mom was talking loud enough so that I could hear. She said the plane was overweight and they wouldn't let all the people on. Well, that plane needs to go on a diet, is what I said. They were picking people who did not have something called a connection to bump off the plane. Mom didn't have a connection. I thought maybe she left it at home with her coat so I started looking for it. Mom needs to stop forgetting to take her stuff with her when she leaves. I didn't find her connection, and then I remembered that I don't know what a connection is, so maybe I overlooked it.

The people at the airport told Mom and the other people who forgot their connections that they would be on another plane in 3 hours. So Mom was not going to get home until after bedtime. Boo hoo. No surprise supper for Mom. I don't think she was too disappointed about not getting her surprise from us, because she called the big man later and said the people at the airport gave her a surprise: they delayed her late flight. She was very surprised by that.

Mom was supposed to be home for our surprise supper at 7:30. Mom got home at 1:30 instead. I know she was more tired than ever because she pulled in the garage and left everything, even her purse and cell phone, in the car. She went in the house, walked right to the bed and fell in it. Poor Mom. Maybe she should put that connection thing in her brief case so she won't forget it again and get bumped out of the plane.

The phone rang at 7:30 the next morning and woke her up. She sure was grumpy and she stayed grumpy until way after lunch. I went outside and ignored her. Who wants a grumpy Mom? Then I heard her tell the big man that she was so tired when she was flying home. When she got off the plane, she went out to get on the thing called the shuttle bus to ride to her car. The shuttle bus left just before she got to it and she had to wait another 30 minutes for the next one. She didn't like that at all.

She's better today. I've been working in the office with her today. She has on those flipflop shoes and I like attacking those. I have been stalking the printer and attacking her papers, too. Well, that was long update and I'm tired. I think I'll go take a nap and get rested. I need my rest because it takes energy to be cool and I am a cool cat.

Saturday, July 08, 2006

I get tired of getting in trouble for stuff all the time.

I do stuff for people all the time and do they appreciate it? NO. The people man that lives in the little house in the back called the guest house got a new car. Now, I've been leaving the man alone because he is allergic and all, but I still like him. I'll do stuff for him.

Well, since he had a new car, I thought he might appreciate me guarding it last night. You never when that punk Jesse from down the street is going to come over and climb on stuff. I decided to help the man out by sleeping on top of his new car. You'd think he would appreciate it, wouldn't you?

Well, NO he did not! He yelled at me and then got all hissy because I left just a few tiny paw prints on the car. How did I know it was so clean? And aren't a few paw prints a small price to pay for having your new car protected all night?

Well, I guess we know who eats lemons for breakfast around here~sourpuss.

I'm not going to hang out with him any more. He is not cool and I don't want to ruin my reputation because I am a cool cat.

Friday, July 07, 2006

I had a long night.

Mom and I had to work on the camping houses last night. The big man set them up in the back yard when they got back from camping so they could stop smelling like fire. A rain cloud surprised us this week and all the camping house tents got really wet and two of them fell down. Me and Mom were trying to get them back up last night. We had fun, I like running around the tents and trying to grab things away from Mom.

The big man was working and he did not get home until bed time. I was outside, because it was dark and I like to prowl when it is dark. The big man was moving very slow. I went up to him and I could smell something that was not right. I followed him in the house. He did not want Mom to see him, but she went to see him anyway. It took just a minute for me to figure it out, but the big man was cut really, really bad on his leg and he was bleeding really, really bad.

I was mad! I wanted to know who did that to him! Did he get in a fight with a big cat or something? I was ready to scratch and bite somebody. Turns out he slipped and fell on something sharp. He's not all sure footed like me. Mom fussed at him because she wanted him to go to the hospital. He didn't want to go.

I don't blame him. I went to Dr. Smith's hospital one time and I haven't been the same since. I don't remember exactly what Dr. Smith did to me, but I didn't like it.

Mom finally got the big man to go with her to the hospital. I waited in the driveway. I wanted to know if the people hospital would do the same thing to the big man that they did to me. They got home way in the middle of the night and the big man had little threads on his big cut. He had a lot of the little threads. Sister had little threads like that one time when she got in a fight.

The big man limped around and then they went to bed. It was very, very late in the night.

This morning, the big man got up like nothing was wrong at all and went to work like he was just fine. When I'm all beat up like that, I like to lay around for a day or two. The big man had been gone for a while and I noticed Mom was not getting up to go to work. I don't want her missing work because she works to make money to buy cat treats and well, I really like my cat treats.

I finally attacked her feet at 8 o'clock to wake her up to go to work. Then I took a long nap. I heard Mom talking to the big man on the phone. He is doing just fine and he says the big cut and the little threads on it do not hurt today. He's tough, like me. I bet he wishes he was as cool as me too, because I really am a cool cat.

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Mom and I have been having disagreements since she's been home.

This morning it was over my big water bowl. I was trying to get a drink. Everybody knows I'm thirsty in the mornings when I come in. I was drinking water and she got out of bed and came and tired to sit on my water bowl. I was drinking and I was not about to get pushed off my bowl. So I tried to hold on and keep her from sitting. Well, her butt is bigger than me and she pushed me into the big water bowl! I got all wet and I was not a happy cat AT ALL.

She has chairs all over the house that she can sit in, there is no reason for her to push me off my water bowl. And then, when she got up, she did something to my water bowl and made all the

water go around. I was mad because all the water was going out of my bowl and I was still thirsty. I was trying to figure out where it was going and she was laughing at me.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do about this. I have three big water bowls in our house. Maybe I need to start drinking out of one of the other bowls since Mom obviously broke mine.

Mom is also mad at me because yesterday I was not feeling very good and I had an accident in the big man's chair again. I didn't mean to! She was in her office upstairs and I needed to poo really really bad. I tried to hide it but she found it as soon as she came downstairs. She was very mad at me. I tried to tell her it was an accident but she just put me outside. I didn't care, though. I just played with some moles until they died and didn't worry about much after that.

Me and Anthony had a cool time together this weekend when Mom and the big man were gone camping. We played and hung out together. He fed me in the house and outside. He is cool, like me.

Mom and the big man had a good time camping. They went swimming in a lake and cooked stuff to eat on the fire. Some of the people kids were there. Now I'm glad I didn't go because I found out two of the people babies were there and the mean one - Black Hair Girl - was one of them. Mom said they had to make a coral out of their lawn chairs to keep her from running away to the woods. They took her swimming in the lake and she tried to run away to the deep part. Mom is not supposed to be riding her bicycle, but she rode it with Black Hair Girl on the back in the baby carrier. Mom is always doing stuff for those people babies and I just don't get it.

No one has ever asked me to ride on the bicycle! I can fit in the baby carrier, I'm a small cat. If someone would ask me, I'd ride with them. I would want us to ride by that punk Jesse's house so he could see me on the back of the bicylce having fun. He would be so jealous because he would see me and know I am cool cat.