Everybody is mad at our house! I am mad! Mom is mad! The big man is mad, but we don't care about him!
On the day that was Thursday, I was out prowling and hunting and doing cat stuff all night and I knew it was about time for Mom and the big man to get up so we could have coffee. I had me a fat bird and I was not through with it, so I took it the house. The big man came in the kitchen and saw me playing with my fat bird.
He got mad! He yelled at me! He said Mom told me not to bring fat birds in the house! I am tired of this! I opened my mouth to yell back at the big man! The fat bird got away!
While the fat bird was trying to get away on the floor, I told the big man that Mom did not say I couldn't bring fat birds in the house! She told me I could not bring MOLES in the house! My fat bird is not a MOLE! Is the big man blind?
Me and the big man were both chasing my fat bird trying to catch it. I was so mad at him! I was hissing and scratching and biting because he was trying to get my fat bird! I finally caught the fat bird and the big man threw us both out! I was growling at him the whole time!
The big man woke Mom up and he was mad because there were bird feathers all over our kitchen. I was mad because he yelled at me and made me almost lose my fat bird in the house and then he tried to take it away from me. I went outside and did not come back in the house for a whole day because I was so mad at the big man.
Mom left on the day that was Friday for a little while. The big man got home before Mom got back and I decided not to be mad at him anymore so I went in the house to see him and we waited for Mom to get back home. Then I was very mad again! Mom had people babies! Two of them - Black Hair Girl and Black Hair Boy. Why can't a cat get a break in this house?
The people babies chased me and hit me and Black Hair Boy stands over me and screams and then he pulls my tail and he bothered my nice bowl of cat treats and oh, how I hate people babies! I went outside and ran down the street to Mr. and Mrs. Baptist's house to stay for a while because they have nice little people kids and NO people babies.
The people babies stayed at our house and slept with Mom and the big man. They played in our yard and the big man finally got my new big outside waterbowl out and put water in it but then they let the people babies play in it. At supper time I saw them leave and I was very happy that the people babies did not stay for another night.
On the night that was Saturday, Mom and the big man came home after bedtime. Mom was mad! She was yelling when she got out of the car! I was laughing because I thought she was mad at the big man and yelling AT him, but she was not mad at the big man. She was mad at the airplane people and yelling TO the big man.
Mom does not need to be mad at the airplane people. She knows that every time she goes to the place where only bad things happen called Atlanta, that bed things happen. The airplane people in the place where only bad things happen called Atlanta called Mom on her cell phone and told her not to go to the airplane in the morning because it would not be there. Mom says she does not like to go away on airplanes all the time, so I thought she would happy that the airplane would not be there. But she was not happy!
She said that she had to go to work to the place where there are nice beaches and food costs a lot of money called Palm Beach and it was far away and if she did not have an airplane, she could not go to work.
Well then I got mad about the airplane people too because if Mom does not go to work, she does not get any money and if she does not have any money, she cannot buy me cat treats.
Mom stayed on the phone yelling at the airplane people in the place where only bad things happen called Atlanta and she was saying loud words that I am not allowed to say. She fussed at them for a very long time, then she came downstairs and packed her big red suitcase and she was mad at the suitcase and yelling at it too. The big man was trying to sleep because it was in the middle of the night and I was just hiding under the bed to stay away from a very mad Mom.
Mom got in the bed for a few minutes and then had to get up in the middle of the night to drive very fast to the airport. She told the big man there better be an airplane there or she was going to be very ugly to the airport people again.
The big man went back to bed after Mom left and I stayed under the bed in case she got really mad again and came back. She did not. She called the big man on the phone and said the airplane people found another airplane for her and she is in the place where only bad things happen called Atlanta and she would get on another plane and go to the place where there are nice beaches and food costs a lot of money called Palm Beach. 
I decided to just go outside and hide in the nice swing for the day. Something bad always happens to Mom in Atlanta and I don't want to be around when she calls the big man to tell him what it is. I've had enough yelling, yelling is NOT cool and I am a cool cat.