Everything was just fine last week. Mom went away on an airplane to the place where Ink lives called North Carolina. The big man gave me food and cat treats because Mom told him to. Me and the big man made it just fine. Mom got home on the day that was Thursday and I was glad to see her. She has not be gone away on airplanes in a long time. On the day that was Friday, Mom did not get up when it was still night and go to the place where she gives people things called speeches. She goes there every day that is Friday and she goes very early. I should have known that there would be a problem about that.
Mom got in the car and went away just before supper time. I didn't worry about that too much because sometimes Mom and the big man go somewhere else where other people cook their dinner called a restuarant. It was getting late when Mom came back and the big man was right behind her. And guess what they had? Yep. People babies. All three of them.
Oh I am so mad about that! Why can't those people babies stay at their own houses with their Moms? They always come to our house and bother me and bother our nice stuff and Mom just thinks they are so cute and they are not! As soon as they came in the door they were yelling at me and trying to get me! I don't like people babies! They ran and screamed in our house. They got all the people baby toys out of the closet and put them all over our floors. They got in Mom's closet where she keeps the people food called the pantry and bothered Mom's food! When Mom finally made them go to bed, Black Hair Boy cried and screamed for a long time because he did not want to go to sleep. I was so tired.
They messed up our house with all their people baby stuff! They pulled a bed out of my new couch to sleep on it and I could not take a nap on it. Everywhere I walked there were people baby toys. They stayed for 2 days and 2 nights. The big man must not like people babies either because he went to work on the day that was Saturday and the day that was Sunday. He left me and Mom at home with all those people babies and their big mess.
On the day that was Sunday, Mom got up very early to get all the people babies ready to go the place where people dress nice and act nice to each other for a few minutes called church. She had to stuff very fast to get everybody ready.
When the place where people dress nice and act nice to each other for a few minutes called church was over, Mom and the big man took all the people babies to the place where other people cook your lunch called McDonald's. This place has a big playground in it where the people babies ran around and acted silly for a while. When Mom got them home, they were all sleepy so they laid down and took a nap. I was very glad about that because when people babies are sleeping, they do not bother me.