I've been a busy cat. I have a lot of cool and not cool things to tell you about.
Mom's broke foot is all well now. She doesn't even wear the big black sock thing anymore. We have had a lot of people coming to our house and I have not been a happy cat about that.
On one day, me, Mom and the big man were fixing our lunch when they got back from the place called church where people act nice for a few minutes when a surprise came. One of the people babies! Oh, no! Not a people baby! It was Red Head Boy. He chased me to the couch and pointed at me and said "Cat. Meow." Like I was going to answer him or something. And of course Mom just had to act all stupid about Red Head Boy. He's just a people baby, there's no reason for her to get all goo-goo about him.
Mom was home the rest of the week. She went to a place called physical therapy where people showed her how to put a big rubber band thing on her foot and stretch it. I like rubber bands too, they are my favorite toy. I like helping Mom with her big rubber band.
The people kid Will came to our house for the weekend and I had fun watching movies with him. When Will is here, me, Will and the big man hang out upstairs. We are the boys and we hang together, know what I mean?
Then one day a whole bunch of people, too many for me to count came over. There were big people and some little people kids. I heard Mom talking on the phone about it and what happened is that Mom's people dad was in a contest. Other people everywhere had to go to a place and vote for him so he could win the contest. All the people in Mom's family told other people that Mom's people dad really wanted to win the contest so everybody should go vote for him. Well, it worked because Mom's people dad won the contest and now he is important!
He is so important that Mom and the big man had a party and cooked really good stuff on the outside grill for people to come eat and be happy. All the people that came to eat and be happy were Mom's people family. Cat's don't really have a lot of family like that. We have our Sister, and brother and moms and sometimes dads. We don't have things like cousins and uncles. But Mom does and they were all at our house.
I didn't like having all those people here. Most of them are nice but some of them are really mean. Like Mom's people brother. Mom told me that her people brother has always been mean to cats. When she had the other two cats that where here before me and Sister, he would do mean things to them. He put one of them up on a ceiling fan and turned it on. Mom said the poor cat held on for about 2 turns and then was just flung right off. Mom said she used to get mad at her people brother because he would come over to visit and as he was leaving, he would catch her 2 cats and pitch them up on the roof of the house. She would not know the cats were up on the roof until the middle of the night when they would scream and cry to get down.
I was trying to stay away from Mom's people brother so I played with a nice people kid named Hayden who is very nice to me. He pets me easy and smiles and calls me Monkey. Me and Hayden were just playing in the living room when Mom's people brother came over to play too. He found the people babies' little pad things they have to wear when Mom rides them on the bicycle. Well, Mom's people brother put the pad things on me and attached them to each other! He is a meany! I couldn't get them off! I wanted to scratch and bite him! He is mean to cats!
I finally got out of the pad things and ran away. I stayed under the little house in the back until all the people except Justin were gone. I came in and told Justin what Mom's mean people brother did to me. Justin told me not to worry, I could get back at him. Next time he comes over I am going to poo on him. I know its not cool to poo on people, but this is different. I have to get back at him and let him know I'm the boss. I have to get even. Because I am a cool cat.